
Online Course Memberships


  • Work at your own pace in your own space - 24 hours, 7 days a week access to your lessons. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned tangler, work on your Zentangle Practice when it works for you!

  • Community - You have an opportunity to join VClarkeArt Studio’s private Facebook page. This allows you to communicate with your fellow students and Victoria, be in the know about upcoming events, and products.

  • Live Learning Opportunities - Every week I’ll be live in our private group to answer questions and provide feedback about your work and the Zentangle Method.

Choose your plan

In The Studio - Beginner Basics
Every week
Every year

Get unlimited anytime access with paid subscription to Introduction to the Zentangle Method and the Beginner Basics Journal Project. Important! This an ongoing membership program. Your membership dues are charged on a recurring basis until you cancel your membership. Supplies are not included.

✓ Unlimited Access
✓ Course - Introduction to the Zentangle Method
✓ Course - Beginner Zentangle Journal Project
✓ 22 Hours of Lessons
In The Studio - Beyond The Basics
Every week
Every year

Get anytime access to the growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content with a recurring membership. This is an ongoing membership program. Membership dues are charged on a recurring basis until you cancel your membership. Supplies are not included.

✓ 82+ Hours of Lessons
✓ Unlimited access to all courses
✓ Private Facebook Group
✓ Weekly Check-ins with Victoria
✓ Calendar of Online & Live Events



  • Taking Introduction to the Zentangle Method first will make it easier to understand and participate in additional courses you might choose to take because the first four foundational tangles and techniques are taught.

  • You may ‘test out’ by showing that you have completed the first Zentangle tile all beginner complete as part of their journey. Please fill out the contact form for additional instructions.

  • Supplies are not provided for online courses. Please refer to the handouts included in your course.

  • These courses are designed for each class to take roughly two hours. The time varies depending on the individual.